Just ask my wife.  And I have a LOT of tools… again, feel free to ask my wife.

I have a wide variety.  Welder, Plasma Cutter, Bandsaw, air tools and compressor, hand tools… LOADS of tools.  In fact, the biggest issue I face with my tools is organized tool storage.  And that is a whole different post.

Back to the tools… 

Having tools doesn’t equate to competence with the tools.  I’m ok with my welder.  But, I’m not nearly as able with my body hammers and dollys.  I can pound on metal as much as the next guy… but there is an art to using a body hammer and dolly the right way. Knowing which hammer profile to utilize for a task, and in combination with what dolly is part of it… along with artistic technique.

I’m pretty good with a wrench.  I mean how tough can it be to use a socket wrench.  But to use it well, you need to know what to use it on! It is like many tools, easy to use, but requires knowledge to use appropriately.

In real estate we have a lot of tools and technologies.  There are the simple things, like cell phones and fax machines.  And more complicated things like laptops and websites.  Most are pretty easy to buy… just takes a little money. But, using them is a completely different thing…

Blogging, property websites, social networking, tablet PCs, content management systems for web design, print design software, widgets and personal networks…  Most agents HAVE most of these tools.  Some agents know how to use many of these tools.  Few agents know how to use all… or even most of these tools.

I am pretty good with most of these… but I have to say that I am not an expert in everything.  But I have something better… a team.  That is the coolest thing with Diamond Dwellings Realty.  We have a different structure, so instead of having a bunch of agents that compete with each other, we get to be one big team… and we get to share techniques, technologies and information with each other.  And it makes ALL of us stronger.

If you are looking for an agent to list your home for sale… think about one that has a real team in the wings.