I just thought I would take a moment to mention a couple of social networks I use to keep my readers, folks in Lilburn and my friends informed of what is going on…

  • Twitter.  You can find me on Twitter with my primary account “@LaneBailey”.  I also have an account that I restrict to be almost only Lilburn related posts, “@Lilburn”.  Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows posts of 140 characters or less.
  • Facebook.  I am LaneBailey on Facebook.  Blog posts should be noted there, as well as some of my Twitter postings.
  • LinkedIn.  I am also LaneBailey on LinkedIn.  I’d love for you to join my network on Linked in.
  • Active|Rain.  This is a real estate community (primarily).  Most of the members are agents or others connected to the real estate industry.  It is a great resource to pass information to other agents.

These are just different ways to keep in touch.  I don’t like to spam people and send a bazillion emails.  But I also don’t want anyone to miss something cool they might have an interest in knowing.

I look forward to hearing from you.