Mozilla Firefox

Image via Wikipedia

Ok, you don’t have to dump it completely, there might be a few sites that you may need it for, but…

The VAST majority of websites will display and function better with FireFox.

I have to keep Internet Explorer because of the two Multiple Listing Services I belong to.  And there is one other site I use that doesn’t seem to be compliant with IE… but every other site I use is better, faster and stronger on FireFox.

But, perhaps even more importantly, there are plug-ins available for FireFox to allow for a better surfing experience.  You can add tools to integrate with or Twitter.  There are tools to help with determining if the site has ‘no-follows’ on its links or to see how it ranks with Google.  There is even a tool to clip sections of a website for use when researching for a school paper, blog post or work assignment.

And it’s free…  here is the link to their site.

Why am I on this kick again?  Because is working fine in FireFox, but is broken on every version of Internet Explorer… IE can’t handle some of the cool features…  And I’m pulling out my hair trying to fix it.

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