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Category Archives: lilburn

So, how does one get property at a deal price?

I wrote a post not long ago about about foreclosures, and how they aren’t always the great deal people make them out to be.  That led to two things…

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Looking for gas?

Yep… we still have a problem around Lilburn and Gwinnett County finding gas.  In fact, the whole Atlanta area is facing the problem.  I have been searching for ways to find gas for my readers.  I have found a couple of ways to keep up to date on where there is gas…

The first way is Wright Express…  Here is a link… Take a look at the right side, and you can see the date of the transaction.  While I can’t say for sure, it would seem that those with VERY recent transactions have gas.  You can also see the price.  This is also a good one to keep in mind later when looking for the best price nearby.

Another option is to use Twitter Search…  Here is a link… This isn’t well organized, but folks all over town are reporting what they see and marking it with a hashtag to make the search easier.  #atlgas is the hashtag to look for.

Don’t run out.  Don’t freak out…

That is all…

Don’t Panic

Yes, it would be one of the catch-lines from “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy“, but it could hardly be more appropriate to the situation that we are facing both locally and nationally.  And there are two very different situations that we are facing right now…

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What a pain in the gas!

My normal haunt for gas during the Atlanta area shortages has been the Lilburn Kroger on Rockbridge at Five Forks.

They still seem to be the place that has gas.

But now they are the place for lines as well.  There were 100 people out there today.

I wrote a post earlier this week when there were many fewer people.

But, I’ll repeat what I said beofre.  DON’T PANIC.  Don’t get gas every time you get down to 3/4 tank.  People getting into line and buying $10 in gas is kind of stupid.  And that is what one of the people in front of me did…

In a couple of days, or maybe a week, this will all be behind us…  I think a few days.

How about a new car?

Ok, I’m not going to go ut and buy a bunch of driveable cars for people…  but I am still thinking…

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