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Tag Archives: buyers

Everybody put your heads on the desk…

Do you remember those words from grade school?  The big kid from the back of the class shot a spitball at the teacher, and so everyone got the same punishment.  There were 29 kids in the class that didn’t do anything, but they still got the same treatment.  What’s worse is that the kid that caused the trouble didn’t suffer any more than the kids that didn’t.

That was simply because it was

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Hockey and real estate…

Back to the stretches…

We just got back from the Thrashers/Lightning game. The Thrashers were on fire (for a change) and Tampa Bay 6-2. Everything worked. Passes connected. Bounces went the right way. The calls were pretty good. For the Thrashers, anyway…

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MLS? Zillow? Trulia?

I ran across a blog post by Jay Thompson regarding a story in the Wall Street Journal about on-line home searches. He noted that in his area the WSJ had it wrong. He researched the numbers for the local MLS, Trulia and Zillow. His findings were that Zillow only showed about

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Project Pink… or Green… whatever

In response to janeAnne’s post about What would you do if money were no object to build a dream green home, I had to expand to a full post.

Here is what I originally responded with in the comments of her post:

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Is a clear sky blue?

Sitting down this morning getting my Fox News fix, I noticed a release by the NAR that has me re-thinking a position I have taken…

Here is the link to the NAR news release.  To summarize, the position the NAR takes is that housing will

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