I have a general preference for underdogs. I can’t say for sure why, but I can make up a few good reasons… 
photo credit: MJLphoto.com
- What fun is it to cheer for the team that always wins? There isn’t any suspense. When you cheer for the underdog, the outcome is in doubt… it also makes the wins sweeter!
- I guess I have a hero complex. I didn’t like to see kids getting bullied on the playground as a kid, and I would rather throw my support to the “bullied” than to the “bully”.
- Often the favorite isn’t the best… just the most popular. It isn’t just true in sports, but in politics and many other areas.
There are a LOT of great underdogs to cheer for. Some are just for fun, others are more serious.
Look for my list of the Top Ten Underdogs coming up before New Year’s Eve…